Project Management
Life Environmental can provide a range of project management services covering asbestos removal works & associated activities which include:
- Reviewing a selected contractor’s Plan of Work and ensuring the notification is submitted to the appropriate enforcing authority under the terms of their licence
- Continuous monitoring of the contractor’s documentation required on site, from medicals & face fits to decontamination units.
- Liaison with contractor/analyst to ensure the work area is prepared satisfactorily
- Inspection of the enclosure(s) and witnessing of smoke tests of enclosures prior to start of removal work and subsequent issuing of Permit to Work
- Inspections and checks during work to ensure that correct removal procedures are being followed
- Monitoring of Air tests inside and/or outside the enclosure(s) to ensure that fibre levels do not exceed the capability of the RPE
- Monitoring of Leak air tests outside the enclosure(s) to ensure control measures are effective
- Regular checks on the types of equipment being used to carry out injection fibre suppression
- Inspection of the enclosure(s) during work to ensure the integrity of the enclosure at all times.
- Visual inspection of the enclosure(s) after final cleaning to ensure that the correct standards of cleanliness have been achieved
- Monitoring of Four stage clearance air testing and certificate of reoccupation on completion
- Liaison between Life Environmental site Project Manager and client representatives as required during the contract
- Verification that all asbestos waste is managed in accordance with legal requirements
- Checking of analysts paperwork, certificates, face fits, accreditation, etc
- Obtain, in advance, a detailed method statement and risk assessment. The method statement shall set out how the work will be carried out and the precautions to be taken throughout should be precise, unambiguous and should include but is not limited to each of the following elements:
- Scope & extent of work
- Associated drawings
- Method of removal or treatment
- Tools & equipment to be used
- Method of containment and enclosure
- Types of negative pressure units and their location (where appropriate)
- Entry/exit system to be followed
- Decontamination procedures and hygiene facilities
- Respiratory protection (PPE) and protective clothing to be provided and worn
- Manner of waste removal and transportation
- Arrangements for waste disposal and waste consignment certificates
- Assessment and approval of Contractors H&S method statements for the asbestos removal.